Precision Haircuts

A Precision Haircut is a wet (high tension) haircut that is best for straight hair and blowdry styles. Please select your service based on your starting length, hair density, and amount of time that has lapsed since your last haircut. Precision haircuts include shampoo, condition and blowdry finish.

Example of Short Precision Haircut

New Client / New Style Precision Haircut $230 / 90-100 min.

If you are a new client, or it has been over 6 months since your last haircut, please book a new style haircut.

Long Precision Haircut & Blowdry $200 / 75-90 min.

3-5 month maintenance haircut for long or high density hair with blowdry finish.

Mid-Length Precision Haircut & Blowdry $160 / 60-70 min.

2-3 month maintenance haircut for medium density, mid-length wavy to straight hair with blowdry finish.

Short Precision Haircut $135 / 50-60 min.

4-6 week maintenance haircut for very short (above the ear) hair styles with light styling.